Sarah Darling

Chief Financial Officer and Executive Secretary of Trucking Life™️

As the Chief Financial Officer for Trucking Life™️, Sarah brings an array of talent, experience, and education to our Board of Directors and the Trucking Life™️ project.

Sarah’s education includes an Associates Degree in accounting and business management as well as she is now working on getting her BA in Entrepreneurship.

Her vast business experiences span over 20 years and offer a full spectrum of skill sets to which she’s able to utilize in this endeavor.

Sarah’s passion for life, love of learning, and a desire to live a focus driven life make her a perfect team driver on this “road through life” with the other Board Members. With Trucking in her own past as well as being saturated in the lives of many family and friends, Trucking Life™️ is the perfect place for her to drive her desires and share her wealth of business knowledge.